The Survivor Series
Mom-At-Arms, LLC: Firearms Safety Education & Training
Facebook kills Mom-at-Arms page, but MAA now on Google News
Moms Demand Action endorsed politician wants people be fired for objecting to the Covid vaccine
Instagram blocks live video (IG Live) broadcast between 2A activists
Alec Baldwin has secured his place in the Gun Violence Archive
A small but important victory in New Jersey
Cook County, IL gun and ammo tax ruled unconstitutional by IL Supreme Court
Palmetto State Armory says F U to Biden/bringing over ammo tooling equipment from E. Europe
Dos Equis and Heineken in bed with Everytown?
North American Arms president doesn’t care about your religion or your freedoms
Giffords Courage is so stupid that they just punked themselves
Moms Demand Action party crashing 101 (and why everyone needs to keep an eye out)
Staffer of Senator Menendez loves Moms Who Demand Action (at least his penis seems to)
Whistleblowers, research and outrage (how to push back against vaccine mandates and get results)
Another gun grabbing politician has a firearm mishap
ATF seizes Larry Vickers’ machine guns
Chris Loesch gets murder threat by rabid anti-gunner
Kim Foxx’s office doesn’t file charges on gangbangers who participated in large shootout
Gun grabbing politician introduces forced sterilization for men in PA
ACLU wants to “save” black Americans by saying they shouldn’t have easy access to carry permit
Moms Demand Action’s policies and ideas continue to fail: mass shooting at Kroger in TN
Brady Campaign sets their sights on Ace Hardware over locations having FFL’s
Neoliberal professor (and anti-self defense statist) wants Biden to dissolve the senate
Chicago ER doc tells unvaxed to “stay out of hospitals” and “die off”