The Survivor Series
Mom-At-Arms, LLC: Firearms Safety Education & Training
It's a Cultural Thing
Biden wasting no time in toying with SCOTUS expansion
Feinstein is getting “cancelled” over Confederate flag incident
Rest In Peace Ryha Marohn: An open letter to Moms Demand Action
Gun control organization mad that minorities are buying guns/moving away from gun control support
Shannon Watts thinks family members who don’t think like her are “lost”
Chicago mayor Lightfoot invited to Everytown panel on “2020 violence”, but one big problem.....
Chuck Schumer talks about Trump and erections
Mask “Karens” send the government COVID enforcers to ammo manufacturer in MI
Just do it........
A message to the 2A “couch potato” defenders
Chinese state media wastes no time in highlighting US “gun violence”
Shannon Watts: “those who don’t think like us want to kill us”
Biden’s inauguration is just plain.....odd
NM bill would punish firearm instructors if their students later commit violence
NY State Senator and Everytown “Gun Sense” candidate strangled his wife
Paging Shannon Watts!!! DC prosecutors not pressing charges on armed anti-Trump leftist “rioter“
Candidate for IL House Speaker and his record on the 2A (and beating women/sexual harassment)
PBS’s Counsel wants “re-education camps” and “children to be taken” from Republican voters
Illinois Shooting: Everytown blames COVID
Now Moms Demand Action members are attacking pro Hockey!!!!!
Hungary working on accepting US political refugees? They know a thing or two about what’s coming
Biden... Worth FIGHTING For... ?
The left attacking minority owned business and owner’s immigrant parents who attended 1/6 DC rally