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The Survivor Series
Mom-At-Arms, LLC: Firearms Safety Education & Training

Mar 5, 2020
Quick shout out to pro-2A IL-14 congressional candidate Catalina Lauf
She’d be a breath of fresh air in that district, as anti-gun/Moms Demand Action stooge Democrat Lauren Underwood currently holds the seat...

Mar 5, 2020
Hey Moms Demand Action, regarding civilian owned “nukes”......
You know the line: “Civilians shouldn’t be able to own mass destruction weapons like AR-15’s. I mean the 2nd amendment doesn’t cover...

Mar 3, 2020
Mike “Bloomgerm”: screw hygiene, it’s FINGER LICKIN GOOD!
At a time where we are told to wash our hands and practice safe hygiene practices due to a worldwide crisis, MIke Bloomberg throws that...

Mar 3, 2020
Illinois: draconian FOID card bill (SB1966) assigned to committee (also, a State Police FOIA)
Well, it looks like the Illinois Democrats are starting to make their move to make SB1966 law. Per the ISRA today: Let’s not forget WHY...

Mar 3, 2020
Ammo coding bill in New York. They better watch out for “wacky” Matt Harrington!!
It was brought to my attention from an ally with IGOT (Illinois Gun Owners Together, a fantastic group btw) that New York now has an ammo...

Mar 2, 2020
Mike Bloomberg on Fox News town hall: lies about 2A agenda, protestors react, cuts to commercial
1. What a lying SOB In terms of his gun control agenda. 2. Why did Fox News cover for Mike? 3. Good job protestors and those who spoke...

Mar 2, 2020
Anti-Gun Los Angeles DA’s husband pulls gun on protestors
Update 8/6/20: He has been charged: The husband of Los Angeles District Attorney Jackie Lacey has been charged with pointing a gun at...

Feb 28, 2020
New Gun Range opening in the Chicago Area (and one hell of a new angle!)
From ihavevisions: Joe L Stanford Jr and Family purchased the only African American Owned Gun Range In Illinois. The Facility host nine...

Feb 28, 2020
Armslist Vs Brady Campaign part 2
Last week we did a write up about the Brady Campaign potentially using the widow of fallen Chicago Police commander Paul Bauer in an...

Feb 28, 2020
Bloomberg wants to kill (drone) his critics!
Just when you thought nuking a population (Eric Swalwell) was the dumbest thing an anti-gun politician could say, then comes along the...

Feb 27, 2020
McHenry County 2A counter protest cancelled, but there’s more....
Earlier this week we published an article about March For Our Lives staging a counter protest to a pro-2A rally on 2/29. Well, they...

Feb 26, 2020
McHenry County, Illinois: March For Our Lives counter protest to oppose 2A sanctuary rally
On Saturday February 29, Chuck Wheeler, a board member of McHenry County, is hosting a pro-2A rally to help make McHenry County a 2nd...

Mom At Arms
Feb 25, 2020
Igor Volsky Propaganda FAIL
I kinda sorta, told y'all this would happen back in April of 2019 with my little breakdown on Crime... Guns... L...O...L. I mean, I...

Feb 24, 2020
Great post and point from a county Sheriff in Nevada regarding Red Flag laws
Well said, sir. It’s the tool meant for political opposition and holophobes. Also a great tool to seek revenge. They’re also used a...

Feb 23, 2020
Attention Illinois residents: OPPONENT witness slips needed for “safe storage” bill
Are you an Illinois resident? Do you want to be potentially charged with a crime or civil penalties for not locking up your firearm? It’s...

Feb 23, 2020
Delegate Levine and the protected class: Virginia Democratic politicians
This guy and those like him are something else. First, he uses his platform and his position in the legislature to target political...

Feb 21, 2020
Is the Brady Campaign setting up the widow of a fallen Chicago Police officer for failure?
By now most of everyone in the “gun world” are aware of the lawsuit filed against Armslist in a Wisconsin federal court. From link: A...

Feb 21, 2020
Virginia Red Flag Law: a peek into the future should it be passed and signed into law
We all know that the Democratic members of the VA house and Senate have a deep disdain for gun owners. They’ve been caught on hot mic,...

Feb 20, 2020
Virginia Democrats snub law enforcement, vote against pay raise
From Virginia Senator Bill Stanley: The Bloomberg/Everytown bought Virginia Democrats are disgusting pigs. They are a disgrace to the...

Feb 20, 2020
Illinois 2021 budget: More proof NO MORE MONEY is needed (and neither is SB1966)
On 2/14/20, Director of the Illinois State Police Brandon Kelly came out in support of SB1966 (which would require fingerprints to obtain...

Feb 19, 2020
Delegate Levine and “Nazis”: time for him to denounce the U.S. space program and jets per his logic
As we all know by now, Delegate Mark Levine hates the AR-15 because it’s a gun that “Nazis used”. His words, not ours. While that is...

Feb 18, 2020
The Biggest Threat
By Kerry Slone @stilettosandshotguns Since the beginning of my endeavor into Constitutional rights advocacy a year ago, I’ve had the...

Feb 17, 2020
Mom-At-Arms chats with Delegate Levine (HB961 author/sponsor)
In response to the article we published earlier today, Levine responded. Boy did he get a lesson in history LOL! Will he care? No. He’s...

Feb 17, 2020
Delegate Levine: “The AR15 was originally used by the Nazis”. Let’s discuss.....
As we reported yesterday, Delegate Levine thinks the AR-15 (developed in the 1950’s by former US Marine Eugene Stoner) is a gun that was...
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