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The Survivor Series
Mom-At-Arms, LLC: Firearms Safety Education & Training

Jan 20, 2020
The far-right “white supremacists” of VCDL’s lobby day (ha!). You lose, MSM and gun grabbers
(scroll to very bottom for a surprise) Here’s what gun grabbers are pushing: The reality? Photos are not Mom-At-Arms originals and...

Jan 20, 2020
YouTube killing off live-streams of VCDL rally
No rules violated, even Breitbart’s stream was killed. They’re helping set the narrative they want, not that it’s peaceful protesters...

Jan 19, 2020
Breaking: New bill filed in Illinois to tax firearms and magazines
This should surprise no one. what...

Mom At Arms
Jan 18, 2020
Hey Ralph, your family OWNED slaves? Yes, they did!!!
Well this is a blast from the past (2017 to be exact). Turns out the man that wants to enslave the citizens of Virginia to be subjects of...

Jan 18, 2020
Everytown, you have an Antifa/socialist problem ;)
Oh those jackasses at Everytown just keep fueling the fire, don’t they? Sent in an email: “Extreme far-right gun rally in Richmond, VA.”...

Jan 18, 2020
Is your county board not allowing constituents to speak and changing the rules? ARREST THEM
From Illinois in 2014.

Jan 18, 2020
Ralph Northam and Mark Herring, you have a problem
Ralph and Mark seem to think that Monday’s event is similar to the “unite the right” rally that caused the mess in Charlottesville. They...

Jan 17, 2020
The President speaks on the Virginia situation
He stated facts and left the organizations out of it. Thank you, Mr. President. If you’re a gun owner, regardless of party or group...

Mom At Arms
Jan 17, 2020
An Open Letter To ALL 2A Defenders
As we approach Monday, January 20th, 2020- Lobby Day for Gun Rights in Virginia, the majority of us Good Hearted Gun Owners are looking...

Jan 17, 2020
Washed up rapper EMINEM shills for gun control (what happened in 2001, Slim Shady????)
So Marshall Matters dropped a surprise album today:

Jan 16, 2020
Think legalizing marijuana in Illinois didn’t have a catch? Think again. It funds gun control grants
FOIA is your friend. This is coming straight from the 2nd in command, the Lieutenant Governor’s office (when she’s not waiting in line to...

Jan 16, 2020
Everytown/Moms Demand Action now fundraising off of the Virginia showdown
If they see what‘s going on as a opportunity for financial gain, then it really isn’t a violent threat. They’re engineering fear for the...

Jan 16, 2020
Ralph Northam violating civil rights again.....
The 2nd amendment is being trampled on by rulers who are no longer representatives of the people. The 2nd amendment is about the right of...

Jan 15, 2020
March For Our Lives, SPLC, and the Dream Defenders sue the MSD Public Safety Commission
It should come as no surprise that the Bloomberg bankrolled March For Our Lives is attempting to fight this: Full report here on the...

Jan 15, 2020
Councilman Paul Riddick of Norfolk listening to constituents on 2A issues
He seems very interested and willing to take what they say to heart. He’s a true representative of the people........

Jan 15, 2020
Governor Northam has a little problem if he declares a “gun emergency”
As we reported yesterday, communities have a constitutional right in Virginia to push back against the state government. Yesterday, it...

Mom At Arms
Jan 15, 2020
"The Shirt"
Venturing into Gun Rights Activism (or any kind of activism, really), you have to be smart, because the folks that own the media outlets...

Jan 15, 2020
Indiana Rising: Groups forming to promote County 2A Sanctuaries
If you’re an Indiana resident, find your county and join the group. Organize and protect your rights from Bloomberg and the Democrats...

Jan 15, 2020
Breaking! Federal Court Tells Gun Grabbers to Piss Off in California
Great news from the Firearms Policy Coalition. Summary of the case against the AG of California: Summary: Federal Second Amendment...

Jan 14, 2020
Virginia County/City 2A Sanctuaries: YES! They do have teeth.
AG Mark Herring brushed off the idea that counties and cities adopting 2A protections mean anything. Here’s what he said: "When the...

Jan 14, 2020
The Bernie Sanders campaign is exposed by PV proves why we must NEVER disarm
Project Veritas went undercover and exposed the Sanders campaign. Video here What do they want and agree with? 1. Blowing stuff up and...

Jan 14, 2020
Virginia: Call For County Muster of the Unorganized Militia
Virginia, get this to your elected county officials take a look at. PDF and Word (for easy editing) formats. The Virginia Democrats have...

J.J. Wittenborn
Jan 13, 2020
Nullification: A Civil Rights Imperative
As a reminder: the abominations of the Jim Crow era, forced segregation, denial of voting rights to women and minorities - even slavery itse

Jan 13, 2020
More Bloomberg gun control activist trainees in public schools
Came across this while “surfing” tonight. It’s was published on the school’s website on 1/12/20. Due to it involving “children”, the name...
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