The Survivor Series
Mom-At-Arms, LLC: Firearms Safety Education & Training
Senator Saslaw had a lot to say this morning to a constituent who questioned him
Lynchburg, VA FOIA’s regarding 2A Resolution: A Must See
Heads up Mississippi, Moms Demand Action event scheduled at state Capitol 2/25/20
How Illinois politicians and the ISP are partially to blame for the 2019 Henry Pratt Shooting
Attention Illinois: Backdoor registration on it’s way via the newly implemented law (SB337)
Everytown lies about the people pushing back against Virginia gun control
Tucson, Arizona mayor signs on with Everytown. We know what’s up.....
ATF Operation “Fast & Furious“ FOIA Dump: Some Goodies
Fantastic “Job Opportunity“ at Everytown For Gun Safety
Sesame Street: Virginia Edition
Gun grabbers vs liquor grabbers: propaganda comparisons with the movements
Shannon Watts and her dangerous political agenda
Breaking! Pics from Moms Demand Action Lobby Day Today in Richmond, VA
A bill filed in Virginia specifically for Moms Demand Action
More anti-gun bills in VA filed 1/7/20:Taxes, Gun Registration, Ammo bans, Suppressor confiscation
Hollywood enjoying armed protection, yet donating to take YOUR right to self defense away
Gun Sanctuaries - What They Are, Aren't, and Will Be
City of Virginia Beach votes to become 2A Sanctuary
Illinois State Senator Julie “confiscation” Morrison: talking out both sides of her mouth
Virginia moves to ban privately owned indoor shooting ranges
Live in Pennsylvania? Petition your county to become a 2A sanctuary
Virginia Senator David Marsden expresses his thoughts on 2A supporters
ATTENTION ILLINOIS: Gun Grabbers hosting town hall in Northbrook on 1/21/20
Virginia State Senate Majority Leader is Hiding Responses (criticism) on His Official Twitter Page