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The Survivor Series
Mom-At-Arms, LLC: Firearms Safety Education & Training

Jan 4, 2020
Virginia State Senate Majority Leader is Hiding Responses (criticism) on His Official Twitter Page
Meet Dick. Dick is who introduced SB16 (amongst many other gun control bills): You can hear on hot mic (whoops) what Virginia dems think...

Jan 4, 2020
Here’s your typical anti-gun Democrat (happy that those they can’t relate to and their child died)
They don’t want gun control for “safety”. They want gun control for control over people. Who the hell in their right mind thinks this...

Mom At Arms
Jan 3, 2020
Ganja & Guns
** Do Not Read While Under The Influence ** (Friendly warning) Marijuana use has been a hot topic for many years. Its either good for...

Jan 3, 2020
VA GOP: YEP! We’re going for Universal Background Checks
Andy Fox of WAVY Newas (located in Hampton Roads, VA) sent out this tweet today: Just a reminder. Just because they’re Republicans...

Jan 3, 2020
Illinois “Red Flag” law and who’s behind the program that educates the public on how to use it
Here in Illinois, Extreme Risk Protection Orders became a thing in early 2019. The Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence is the one...

Jan 2, 2020
Many Gun control advocates and Communist China agree: private ownership of firearms is a problem
The Daily Wire published an article on 12/31 which shows that the Chinese government is trying to influence gun control policies here in...
Jan 1, 2020
Proof that registration leads to confiscation (deportation, in this case).
We hear it all the time. ”We just want you to register your guns. No one is coming for them”. Yeah, ok. Suuuure. I will present the...

Dec 31, 2019
Texas Church Shooting: Moms Demand Action lobbied AGAINST law that saved countless lives
It should come as no surprise that Moms Demand Action lobbied hard against the Texas law that allowed Jack Wilson and other parishioners...

Dec 31, 2019
Watts responds to criticism of her response to the Texas church shooting hero/situation
After getting slammed on social media for not praising the heroic actions of Jack Wilson (the hero who ended a tragedy in seconds),...

Mom At Arms
Dec 30, 2019
Bloomberg's Hawkfishy Secret
Seeing lots of Anti- Trump ads, lately? Seeing lots of Anti- Trump ads with Mikey Bloomberg bebopping around, too? Most likely you have....

Dec 29, 2019
Shannon Watts responds to armed heroes who stopped/engaged Texas church shooter......
( follow up article here:

Dec 29, 2019
More Tyranny/FOID problems in Illinois
A test for pro 2nd Amendment resolution counties is unfolding right now in Jasper County, Illinois.

Dec 29, 2019
Blackface Ralph sightings: Will update as more come in
This will be a “living“ article and will update when more pics are seen by others in the wild. Many more are out there, but only some...

Dec 27, 2019
Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring: Siding With Illegal Immigrants Over Lawful Gun Owners
I find it funny that AG Mark Herring had this to say regarding 2nd amendment sanctuaries: RICHMOND, Va. — Virginia Attorney General Mark...

Dec 27, 2019
Virginia Gun Owners, Save the Date: 1/8/20. Its Moms Demand Action’s advocacy day in Richmond
Would be a great time to show up and make it known that Virginia is tired of Bloomberg funded groups influencing Virginia laws....

Mom At Arms
Dec 27, 2019
Virginia Gun Owners Have It Under Control
...Virginia's Gun Owners already have everything under control.

Dec 27, 2019
Some Gun Control Not-For-Profit Charities Pay So Well That One Person Eats Up 30% Of It’s Income!
Happy Friday everyone! Have you ever thought about becoming a professional activist in the field of working towards making gun ownership...

Dec 24, 2019
BREAKING! Everytown’s 501(c)3 charity likely in violation of not-for-profit law (Pittsburgh gun ban)
We all know that Everytown has been doing most of the legal work for the city of Pittsburgh in order to allow them to enact a local...

Dec 23, 2019
Update to March For Our Lives IRS 990: Everytown (Bloomberg) Dollars
A few days ago, we published the 2018 March For Our Lives IRS 990 forms with a brief breakdown. Today, we came across Everytown’s 990’s...

Dec 23, 2019
Everytown For Gun Safety Support Fund (possible tax shenanigans)
We’ll be brief and to the point. Everytown has two funds, the Action Fund and the Support Fund. The Action fund is 501(c)4 and the...

Dec 20, 2019
March For Our Lives 2018 IRS 990 tax forms are in. A must see (Parkland Victims Snubbed)
Update 12/23: Everytown For Gun Safety’s 2018 forms are in as well. Must see.

Dec 20, 2019
Important note from VCDL regarding lobby day 1/20/20
Post can be found here. This isn’t an uprising to overthrow Northam. This is a lobby day (much like other state level organizations hold...

Dec 20, 2019
Everytown is now using FOIA in Virginia to get communications w/local governments and gun groups
Something many of us have been doing for awhile against Everytown and Moms Demand Action, but they must be learning from it. Saw this...

Dec 19, 2019
Virginia, your (Bloomberg) Everytown For Gun Safety/Moms Demand Action bought and paid for leaders
Nice quick article about your leaders who Bloomberg bought. Now you know. Source here. As you can see, Everytown (which is based in New...
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