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The Survivor Series
Mom-At-Arms, LLC: Firearms Safety Education & Training

Mom At Arms
Dec 2, 2019
Gun Saves MANY Lives of High School Students in Wisconsin
A four day weekend of Thanksgiving turns into an extra day of gratitude, as students, teachers and administration at a Wisconsin high...

Dec 2, 2019
Illinois: FOID & Concealed Carry license fees (where’s all the money going?!?!?!!)
(UPDATE: a petition had been started to demand an independent audit.

Dec 1, 2019
Heads up Virginia: pay attention to the Leauge of Women Voters
Prepare for them to be activated, as they are VERY good at what they do. On the surface, their cause is noble:...

Nov 28, 2019
Virginia legislators double down: “paramilitary” activity/firearms training to be a felony
(update at very bottom. Another one of her recent bill filings) First, there was SB16 (filed 11/18/19), which will make it illegal to...

Mom At Arms
Nov 27, 2019
Lori Haas & The Magic Of Gun Control
Recently, Lori Haas, Virginia State Director for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence and mother of VA Tech shooting survivor, Emily Haas,...

Mom At Arms
Nov 26, 2019
Virginia Democrats: Bloomberg's Puppets
In the first part of my VA Dems series, I spelled out the hypocrisy of VA Governor, Ralph Northam and gave details on his Gun Control...

Nov 26, 2019
Thank you, Michael Bloomberg, for FINALLY proving what we’ve been saying all along
With Mike Bloomberg officially entering the 2020 race, he just did us 2A supporters a MASSIVE favor believe it or not. You see, Everytown...

Nov 25, 2019
Protect your kids: Die and let them collect money
Of all of the dumb things anti-gun activists say this one is definitely up up there. Came across it and it’s laughable. Her response:...

Nov 25, 2019
Now I’ve seen everything: Elizabeth Warren calls for an end to “traffic violence”
I have no words, other than this is the dumbest thing that has come out of her mouth (well, her twitter account): I’m not referring to...

Nov 21, 2019
IL Dem Rep arrested for carrying concealed firearm while having an invalid license to do so
(Update at bottom. Now he’s suggesting people who disagree with him/are calling him out should have their guns taken) Meet Curtis J....

Mom At Arms
Nov 20, 2019
Largest County in VA Now A Sanctuary For Gun Rights
I'm sure you've read some articles from major news outlets and popular social media influencers on how Pittsylvania County, Virginia- the...

Nov 20, 2019
2nd Amendment sanctuaries and the division of the country
As almost all Democrats (and some RINOs) are working overtime to dismantle a civil right (the 2nd Amendment), it brings back a lesson...

Mom At Arms
Nov 16, 2019
Is A "Gun Culture" The Answer?
Whenever a new School Shooting story hits the headlines, and Gun Grabbers go into, "Save the babies! Gun Free Zones! Ban Guns!...

Nov 15, 2019
Mike Bloomberg and his company getting sued (sexual discrimination and other sexual type stuff)
Wow!!!! Can’t believe I missed this!!!!!! WOW!!!!!! This...

Mom At Arms
Nov 13, 2019
Virginia Democrats: Senator Mark Warner
"I don't think there's a single piece of legislation (would've stopped the Santa Fe Mass Shooting in 2018), but there are a series of...

Heather Patterson
Nov 13, 2019
More “Sanctuary Cities?” Why that's a good thing.
I know many of you are groaning and in shock by that title. How can sanctuary cities be good? Well, not all sanctuary states, counties,...

Nov 13, 2019
IL SB1966 (Fix the FOID/BIO Bill) and some more info on who’s behind it
As many people know, there’s a bill that’s due for a vote in the IL senate that would drastically change the current FOID system (more...

Heather Patterson
Nov 12, 2019
Pro-2nd Amendment Groups
While writing an article, I wanted to highlight other pro-2A groups on both a national and local level. I've even included liberal #2A...

Nov 12, 2019
Matt Harrington, CEO of Ammo Coding Systems, is at it again (disrespecting others)
Previously, we have reported what Matt Harrington did back in September (threatened to send police to someone‘s house to confiscate their...

Nov 12, 2019
Moms Demand Action member almost kills people while breaking the law
Just in. This woman (an active member of Moms Demand Action that thinks she knows best about gun laws): Just did THIS!!!...

Nov 11, 2019
Congressional candidate for IL-3 and some interesting information on him
Meet “Rush” Darwish.

Nov 8, 2019
Attention non-whites: Michael Bloomberg is running for President. No guns or freedom for you!
If you are a non-white person (or anyone really) who supports Michael Bloomberg, you might want to see this:

Nov 8, 2019
Save the date: 11/12/19 at the Barrington, IL public library
The new ERPO (Extreme Risk Protection Order) in Illinois is in effect, and anti-gun organizations are making sure that family members are...

Nov 7, 2019
Possible tyranny in NY: gun seizure
The morning of 11/4 was not a good one for Ronald Azar. His side of the story may be seen here:
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