This is Dr. Josef Sakran:

He is most famous for starting the #ThisIsOurLane movement, in which gun grabber docs from across the nation united to demand gun control. He is also the founder of Docs Demand Action and is a survivor of a shooting:
During the upcoming June 2018 meeting of the AMA House of Delegates, they will be voting on nearly a dozen gun reform and gun safety measures to endorse as an organization. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Joseph Sakran, the founder of Docs Demand Action and a physician who regularly speaks up for gun violence prevention after surviving a gun shot when he was 17 years old.
Last week, he was the “victim” of a threat:
A prominent trauma surgeon at Johns Hopkins Hospital who survived being shot as a teen and advocates nationally for gun violence prevention says he recently had a “death threat" placed on the windshield of his car.
Dr. Joseph Sakran posted images of the alleged threat — a sheet of paper featuring a hand pointing a gun straight ahead, with the message “The End is Near" beneath it — on Twitter late Saturday afternoon. It quickly gained notice and retweets within the gun-violence prevention community, including by Parkland, Florida, shooting survivor David Hogg.
Here‘s his tweet thread (now deleted):

Where was he when this “awful crime” happened?
In an interview with The Baltimore Sun, he said he believed the paper was placed on his car, parked near his parents’ home in Northern Virginia, sometime on or before Jan. 20 — which was the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and the same day as a gun rights rally in Richmond, the state’s capital.

Unless the perp got into his garage, this is busted as a hoax. Either way, he staged the scene and his initial claim is worthless. This brings us to our next recent case, Patrick Korellis:

Patrick was a survivor of the 2008 Northern Illinois University shooting. He has since allied with groups like Moms Demand Action and also some prominent elected officials in order to change gun laws. He also got involved right after the Parkland Shooting and published an editorial for Vice. He also uses his victim status to push hardships on legal gun owners for bills such as SB1966 in Illinois (which will require increase in fees for legal gun owners to be LEGAL gun owners and also mandate fingerprinting to get a FOID):

So, what does this have to do with Dr. Joe? Patrick also lied to create a false outrage (screenshots taken from article, and yes, Mom-At-Arms writers were involved with this bust):

That led to JoAnn Fabrics stating this:

Shannon Watts then got involved:

One MASSIVE problem with Patrick’s claim though: He lives in Illinois (open carry is illegal).

He was ALSO in Illinois shortly (only an hour or so) before his claim, thus erasing doubt he was elsewhere where open carry is legal.

After he got caught and confronted, he locked down his twitter account.

He also scrubbed his Facebook posts and set his account to private:

He then deleted his Twitter account:

These victims turned activists that are propped up by gun control groups and politicians have an emotional agenda in this fight. They see themselves as helpless victims and are angry at what happened to them (rightfully so). Some of them will lie in order to advance their cause, disregarding that there are others out there who wish to NOT be a victim in a situation that they encountered. Their judgement is clouded by their fear and hatred for an object.
These people and these examples are why we must question every outrageous claim made by these groups and people, as they show a pattern of not being real.