In October of 2009, an ATF agent and his team seized a shipment of a bunch of airsoft guns because they could be “converted in real machine guns with minimal work”. Original video of the story here:
Previous FOIA attempts seemed to get the run around by the ATF, but the content asked for was different:
Documentation relating to the determination. ... [C]opies of written documentation and video or photographic evidence showing how ATF technicians were able to convert the lower to fire real ammunition, and information of what occurred when the converted weapon was fired. ... [C]opies of email and print communications within the ATF regarding this issue, and copies of email and print communications between ATF and CBP related to this issue.
Well, days ago, the ATF provided a response to a new FOIA request on the issue. Documents provided here:

The request, instead of going for how the ATF determined the toys were “machine guns”, goes the route of asking for info on the entire 10/2009 case itself. With a new administation and new people, it’s possible we may finally get some answers about this absurd raid of toy guns. Time will tell, as we were informed that the request is in fact being completed and that it will take a few weeks to finish processing.