6 days ago as of this post, a former Moms Demand Action/Orange wave PA backed candidate for the Pennsylvania house threatened to shoot people who don’t wear masks in public (thinking the 2nd amendment gives her that right). Well, this time, a vocal supporter of the Sandy Hook Promise murdered two people in cold blood:
Willington, Connecticut — The search for a 23-year-old University of Connecticut senior suspected in two slayings and believed to be armed with several stolen guns stretched from Connecticut to New Jersey and Pennsylvania and continued on Monday, authorities said. Connecticut troopers said Peter Manfredonia, suspected in a deadly assault in Willington on Friday and a homicide in Derby, Connecticut, on Sunday morning is believed to be armed with several weapons stolen during a home invasion.
A car Manfredonia is suspected of stealing from the Derby victim was found in New Jersey at the Pennsylvania border Sunday afternoon, police said.
Double murder and in possession of stolen guns. More on the suspect at large:
On Manfredonia‘s Instagram account, there are pictures of his association with two organizations that arose from the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in December 2012.
August 15, 2019, he posted a picture of himself holding a cycling jersey and wrote “Proudly representing Sandy Hook Promise for the biking leg of my triathlon.”

Some more:
On August 4, 2019, Manfredonia wrote about mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, in a Facebook post:
It is with a heavy heart that I wake up this morning and address the three mass shootings that have recently taken place; two of which were no more than 14 hours apart. I would first like to say that any public concentration should only be focused on the victims and families of these atrocities. By promoting the perpetrator and their ideology, you are only progressing their message of violence and hate and giving purpose to their action. I would also like to say that in times like these more than ever, it is important to cherish all the people you love. Love is the only answer to hate, not more hate. By surrounding ourselves with the ones we love, we become more human. We discover the depths of our empathy, an ability that must be tuned through social interaction and emotional intelligence… a trait far too many white, male nationalists are stunted in. Beto O’Rourke, who’s home town of El Paso was involved in the deadliest of the three, gave a speech during the event saying: “Any illusion that we have that progress is inevitable or that the change that we need is going to come of its own accord is shattered in moments like these. It is upon every single one of us [to incite change], there is no luxury in this democracy of sitting this one out.” BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE. Use words… not violence… (Reminder that this is NOT a partisan political address and gun violence should not be a partisan issue as it effects all of us)
Here‘s a FB post as well:

Per last sentence in his above FB post (which is irony in itself due to this situatio). Guess his ideology?

These anti-gun extremists are not mentally well. Considering this guy stole guns from his victims (just like Adam Lanza stole guns from his mom to commit the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting), there MIGHT be a copycat syndrome in play here, which makes the Sandy Hook Promise commercial extra sick.
We pray for the victims of this sick person’s actions and for the pain that their surviving friends and family have to endure because of what happened in the senseless incident(s).