McHenry County is a little piece of heaven outside of the Cook County (think Chicago) iron wall. Many residents are tired of being pushed around by those that do not represent them. The county board chairman, Jack Franks, has so far refused to take up a board vote regarding McHenry County becoming a 2nd amendment sanctuary. He used to be very pro-gun rights, but has since become a party line Democrat in his position regarding 2A sanctuaries. In fact, the local Democratic party has used their positions in order to reach out to local high schools as a recruiting ground for gun control rallies. The 2nd amendment doesn’t have a party, as it’s for all Americans. Please click the link here and print out the form, get 10 signatures and follow these instruction: (MUST BE REGISTERED VOTER AND RESIDE IN MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS)
1. Download the petition packet here and print several copies.
2. Collect signatures from other registered voters from around the county.
3. Take the petition pages to be notarized (most banks will do this for their customers).
4. Contact us at to arrange for the return of the petition pages.
We have a brutal legislative session regarding 2A rights approaching soon, and it’s time we demand our county board chair supports us, not the Chicago machine legislators that wish to turn law abiding gun owners into criminals and confiscate our legally purchased rifles that they deem “too dangerous” for people to own. Demand that Jack Franks support the residents of McHenry County, not the politicians, who want us imprisoned and our legally acquired weapons registered and/or confiscated.
Let it also be known that Mr. Franks is ON RECORD for opposing many of the measures that are currently up for debate come early next year. From 2012, when he was a state representative:
State Rep. Jack Franks, D-Marengo, opposes the bills and said the gun-control measures, many of which have been tried before, will be defeated. He and Tryon both pointed out that it is illegal to sell ammunition in Chicago, meaning that the rest of the state is being asked to pay for Chicago’s crime problem.
“None of this has anything to do with safety whatsoever,” Franks said. “It’s only about revenue.”
Franks’ opposition is shared by many downstate Democrats as well. Reps. Brandon Phelps, D-Harrisburg, Bill Haine, D-Alton, and others have vocally opposed the proposed gun-control bills. Jerry Costello, D-Sparta, called gun registration “an attempt to put us in the same class as sex offenders, and I won’t stand for it.”
Mr. Franks, do the right thing. Put partisan politics aside. There are also Democrats in McHenry county that want to be safe from the overreaching Chicago machine. Let the vote happen.

Signatures due by summer 2020 so the 2A sanctuary initiative can be on the November 2020 ballot. We have almost a year to collect 10K signatures from registered voters who are residents of McHenry county.
And Jack......
