From Reuters:
BEIJING (Reuters) - A spokesman for China’s Foreign Ministry suggested on Thursday the U.S. military might have brought the coronavirus to the Chinese city of Wuhan, which has been hardest hit by the outbreak, doubling down on a war of words with Washington.
China has taken great offence at comments by U.S. officials accusing it of being slow to react to the virus, first detected in Wuhan late last year, and of not being insufficiently transparent.
On Wednesday, U.S. National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien said the speed of China’s reaction to the emergence of the coronavirus had probably cost the world two months when it could have been preparing for the outbreak.
In a strongly worded tweet, written in English on his verified Twitter account, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said it was the United States that lacked transparency.
“When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!” Zhao wrote.
Zhao, an avid and often combative Twitter user, did not offer any evidence for his suggestion that the U.S. military might be to blame for the outbreak in China.
Seems pretty clear that the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Zhao LiJuan, is blaming the United States for the outbreak that originated in Wuhan, China. It‘s a ridiculous statement and it’s clear they are trying to cover their ass because whatever happened, they screwed up. If it was the US that caused it, why was the Chinese government arrest their own journalists reporting on the virus in the early days of the outbreak? Additionally, why did they make a popular citizen journalist “disappear” off the face of the earth? The journalists were reporting was going on and were silenced (or worse). So, what does this have to do with US gun control groups?
In September of 2019, a Chinese state run newspaper stated that American gun control groups visited Beijing to address the National People‘s Congress:
On a sunny day, media in Beijing focus their eyes on a hearing, as a group of members of China's Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), legal experts, diplomats, human rights representatives and anti-gun groups from the US gather at the Great Hall of the People in downtown Beijing to examine gun violence in the US and hear, first-hand, testimonies from witnesses, including US anti-gun activists.
Why would American gun control activist groups visit Beijing? What could they gain? Well, it’s simple. Just like some of the US media has stopped referring to the virus that originated in Wuhan as the “Wuhan virus” because it upsets their shareholders in China, US gun control groups want to leverage their buddies in Beijing because guess where a majority of products are made. What could the impact be if, say, CEO’s that have most of their manufacturing plants in China are pressured into supporting gun control?
145 business leaders have signed a letter demanding the US government take action on gun violence. Their plea, which follows the recent rash of mass shootings, is among Corporate America's strongest statements yet against America's gun violence epidemic. In a draft letter addressed to the Senate, the leaders demand that lawmakers "support common-sense gun laws" already passed by the House and that "doing nothing about America's gun violence crisis is simply unacceptable." It was first obtained by the New York Times.
Check out when that happened:

And check out when China sent out the article about meeting with gun control groups (last tense in the article):

What was discussed at the meeting with the Chinese? And most of all, why are American gun control activists working with a foreign nation that would blame us for COVID-19? Doing so (and saying we started a global pandemic) is a mighty big accusation. Will American gun control groups come out against their pals in Beijing and tell them to cool it? Michael Bloomberg has plenty of connections in China, but him telling them to back off might take pressure off of Trump (can’t have that in an election year where he vowed to take Trump down).
It is not a wild hypothesis that American gun control groups would work with an opponent to America. They both want the same things:
to destroy our heritage, culture, standings in the world and most of all, to limit our rights. China even threw them a bone last year:
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism warned of threats such as robbery and gun violence, state media said. "Recently there have been shootings, robberies and thefts happening frequently in the US. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism reminds Chinese tourists to fully assess the risks of going to the US for travel," said an anchor on Chinese broadcaster CCTV, according to a Reuters translation.