A blast from the past (2018 to be exact). As we reported last week, this (HB961) is all to disarm and punish his political opposition (elected officials and those that don’t support him or the Democrats). Proof is from a release he did right after the 2018 Parkland shooting: https://www.markfordelegate.com/content/how-commit-mass-murder

Just wow. That caused the VA GOP to get a little ticked off (rightfully so). He literally blames them for mass murder! But that’s not all this disgraceful man did. Last year he used a shooting (in which 6 police officers were shot) as an opportunity for a fundraiser:
Six police officers were shot in Philadelphia on Wednesday. During the hours-long standoff, Virginia Del. Mark Levine, D-Alexandria, took to Facebook to launch a fundraiser.
“If you agree with me that the vastly increasing rate of gun violence should never be normalized, will you contribute to help Democrats flip the Virginia Legislature? For every dollar donated today up to $10,000, I will give $2 from my campaign to a Democratic candidate who supports universal background checks and an assault weapons ban,” he wrote, updating the tally of injured officers as reports rolled in.
Regarding his statement about the VA GOP being responsible for mass murder, the VA Democrats seem to agree with him.
Well, this has certainly gotten Virginia Republicans riled up; looks like Del. Mark Levine (D-Arlington/Alexandria) hit a Republican nerve or two with his “How to Commit Murder” email on February 18. Check out Del. Todd Gilbert (R-NRA)’s hysterical response, below. First, though, here’s Del. Levine’s email…see if you can find anything inaccurate in here (hint: good luck):
Delegate Mark has weaponized his position of power in order to punish those he doesn’t like or agree with and turn them into criminals. We are nothing but people waiting to commit “mass murder” to him with our “Nazi AR-15’s“ (further proof he knows nothing about firearms or their history). Be sure to check out the link in the first paragraph for more proof of this as well. He wants us disarmed and punished because he see‘s us and the elected GOP officials as a threat (we’re Nazis I guess). It’s all politically motivated and not about the safety of Virginians. But hey, makes for a good fundraiser for the Democratic party......
And the AR-15 a “Nazi gun”? Guess he didn’t get the memo that Eugene Stoner fought in WW2 in the pacific against the Japanese (the Third Reich’s ally). He was a US Marine. The AR-15 was invented by him in the 1950’s and the US military adopted the selective fire variant (dubbed the M16, NOT the same as the AR-15 due to being capable of full auto fire) as the standard issue weapon of the armed forces.