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Everytown exists because of a man with friendly relations to the Chinese Communist Party

Writer: Sigiloso1776Sigiloso1776

Hat tip to Breitbart for getting this stuff that gave us names to look into. Mini-Mike has been knee deep with the CCP for awhile, but these are new images and compiled info.

It’s worth a read, but we are going to focus on one aspect of the article:

Old Kevin is Mike’s right hand man in terms of government relations as you see. Well, yeah. Of course he shills for Mike’s group (Everytown/Moms Demand Action) as well. Who’s he working for exactly and why does he help advance civilian disarmament?

But wait, theres more!

According to Everytown for Gun Safety—the successor group to Mayors Against Illegal Guns—Thomas Menino, the late Boston mayor, first approached Bloomberg in 2006 with the idea to convene a group of mayors to “discuss how to stem the tide of gun violence and how to make their cities safer.” Around that time, according to multiple sources, Brady president Paul Helmke—a former mayor of Fort Wayne, Indiana—also encouraged Bloomberg to lend his political brand and fortune to the struggling movement. Helmke had been working with pollster Mark Penn, now famous for his role in Hillary Clinton’s failed 2008 presidential campaign. Penn’s business partner, Doug Schoen, has long been Bloomberg’s pollster. The two had put together a pitch deck proposing a new frame for the gun debate: Illegal guns.
“It tested better, and it allowed us, Democrats, [and] gun control activists to take the high ground of law enforcement,” a former Bloomberg aide familiar with the presentation told Mother Jones. Helmke brought the deck to Bloomberg—who at the time, like Helmke, was a Republican—and asked him to chair and give seed money to a new Brady-backed initiative called Mayors Against Illegal Guns.
This struck Bloomberg as a good idea, one that a former staffer described as both a “head and heart interest” for the mayor. But at the urging of longtime aides like Kevin Sheekey, who now runs his presidential campaign, and John Feinblatt, who leads Everytown, Bloomberg opted to do it independently of the anemic Brady Campaign. “It was, among some people who worked with the mayor, a conscious effort to pick an issue around which he could raise his national profile,” the former staffer recalls. “What the fuck did we need Brady for?”

Kevin helped push Bloomberg into creating Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which later merged with Moms Demand Action to form Everytown For Gun Safety. So there you have it. People friendly with Chinese communists helped create Everytown For Gun Safety. The more you know, right?

I wonder who was at this event? From CCP press:

On a sunny day, media in Beijing focus their eyes on a hearing, as a group of members of China's Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), legal experts, diplomats, human rights representatives and anti-gun groups from the US gather at the Great Hall of the People in downtown Beijing to examine gun violence in the US and hear, first-hand, testimonies from witnesses, including US anti-gun activists.

1 comentario

Larry Spencer
Larry Spencer
19 may 2021

"Helmke brought the deck to Bloomberg—who at the time, like Helmke, was a Republican..."

Only because the other Democrats in New York were kicking his *** in the primaries, and it was the only way for him to get on the ballot. Bloomberg LITERALLY was a "Republican in Name Only."

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