A reader sent me this today. It’s a mailer that went out to subscribers (mailing list) of Everytown For Gun Safety. Great way to get info btw.

Lovely, isn't it? Let’s just focus on one thing though to keep this brief. Let’s focus on Students Demand Action.

Student led you say?

Let’s dig a little on that. Redactions done on some because one is a minor (and also because this isn’t being written to harass MDA, just proving that they are liars and use children).

Ok, so a contact email provided by the Everytown Student Lead. Google time!

Ok, Google time again on the contact.

Ok great, FOIA time!
(“NS” highligted, the Everytown Student Lead)

Wait, what?!?!?!? The “student lead initiative” is handled by the adults and they also provide the talking points? Well that’s not good. But wait, there’s more!

So there’s the “handler”, along with a sitting US congressman and Shannon Watts talking about the new Students Demand Action group. I wonder if the kids reached out to them to put it all together? NOPE! FOIA again busts them!

Read this VERY carefully:

Folks, a sitting US Congressman is using Moms Demand Action contacts in order to reach out to schools in order to recruit for Students Demand Action. This is all orchestrated by adults and political hacks, not students. The kids are the pawns. If Everytown is dishonest in their use of children, then what else are they dishonest about?.......
Too bad you did, because since the term “gun violence prevention” was used right off the bat in the first comment, it already shows the hidden bias and intent
@truthbeyondlies, you have been blocked from further access of this site. It has also been brought to my attention that you stalk and hack forums and blog sites- making your comment above, “I’m not going to keep popping in to argue a topic I don’t care about...” completely redundant. Your arguments also have no valuable educational basis for either side of the aisle, in regards to 2A Awareness. Your point is very clear... you are hear to stalk, troll and divide. I stand behind my researchers and writers 100% and you will not continue to harass them. THAT is my point.
I’m happy this triggered you to the point you had to comment. 1. Public schools are not allowed to participate in political activity. By having a congressman reach out (via MDA) to recruit kids for a political group to advocate/lobby, that is a possible ethics violation. More on that here: https://www.mom-at-arms.com/post/gun-control-groups-their-organizing-tactics-and-ethics-laws 2. Funding a sporting club(s) for a school shooting team (sport) is different than the NRA-ILA (Institute for Legislative Action) using contacts in public schools to recruit kids to push a pro-gun agenda and lobby for pro-gun laws. As for the quote from the teacher, no teacher should use their position to use kids for a political agenda. At least he admitted it up front though and allows the parents to make a…
I'm not going to keep popping in to argue on a topic I don't really care about either way, especially online, on a Friday. Just seemed like more of a stretch than some other connections, to imply he didn't potentially speak organically because of an email connection two months later. Only point I was going with.
Excerpt from a Time article, March 2019. Yes, both sides have people advocating. Maybe the antis do it more or maybe they are more visible because it is often in densely populated areas. No? " The uptick reflects at least two complex and relentlessly challenging realities—guns in America and adolescence. On one level, high school shooting teams weave themselves into the national debate over firearms. The NRA has funded these programs. From 2014 to 2016, the latest three years for which the NRA Foundation’s tax returns are publicly available, the organization provided more than $4 million in cash and equipment grants to schools and organizations that support scholastic sports shooting. The support dovetails with the group’s original emphasis on …