Hot off the presses is Chicago priest and rabid gun control advocate Michael Pfleger offering to take President Trump on a ride to Indiana in order to purchase guns across state lines:

Father Pfleger, are you suggesting commiting a crime and trying to include the President of the United States? Per the ATF:
“Father Mike“ (as his flock calls him) has been in the news a bunch due to his activism, most recently in Washington D.C. in late September:
CHICAGO (WLS) -- With little more than boxed lunches and warm clothes to sleep in, hundreds of Chicagoans are driving through the night to Washington, D.C. with a message for Congress: "#EndGunViolence."
Traveling aboard a caravan of buses organized by Father Michael Pfleger and St. Sabina Church, the group will rally outside the U.S. Capitol Wednesday; that same day the House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing on "Protecting America from Assault Weapons."
So, he wants to “end gun violence” by traveling across state lines and conduct an illegal transfer of firearms? Really????? Of course, this is coming from the same guy that has illegally armed guards:

An armed security guard associated with staunch anti-gun and nationally known social activist, Father Michael Pfleger, was arrested on May 27 outside St. Sabina’s Roman Catholic Church on the South Side where Pfleger is a senior pastor.
The Chicago Police (CPD) charged Henry Eugene Hale, 35, with possessing a firearm without a valid Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card. He was released on $150 bond.
A spokesperson for the CPD told Chicago City Wire that police officers approached Hale at the church, which is at 1200 W. 78th Place, when “they saw him holding a firearm.”
Records with the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation show that Hale’s FOID card expired in December 2017. Records also show that he is certified to work in Illinois as a security guard, and that he was once disciplined but it doesn’t explain why.
A May 29 blog post on “Second City Cop” referred to Hale as “Pfleger’s security” and said that “Pfleger and his minions called 006th dist (sic) nonstop to try to get the guy out of arrest.”
Photos posted on Pfleger’s personal Facebook page show Hale accompanying him at numerous rallies.
When asked about Hale’s relationship with the 68-year-old Pfleger, a church secretary told Chicago City Wire only that Hale was not a bodyguard. He deferred further questions to Pfleger, who did not return a call to clarify whether he employed Hale as private security and whether he called CPD asking for Hale’s release.
Funny how gun control activists are willing to break federal law (and try to include the president in the act) in order to advance their agenda. Also, why is his church getting funding from the Joyce Foundation? Take a look at the other grant recipients as well

Interestingly enough, Father Pfleger has “bought guns” before. Take a look:

AUBURN GRESHAM — St. Sabina Church officials announced Wednesday it will be able to buy 180 guns this weekend at a gun buyback event instead of 150 thanks to more donations.
"No church money or money from the Archdiocese is being used for this buyback," said the Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of St. Sabina.
The gun buyback event is for anyone between 16 to 30 years old and will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at St. Sabina, 1210 W. 78th Place.
Those who turn in a gun will receive either a $100 gift card or a pair of Adidas gym shoes, Pfleger said. Gift cards will be distributed at the event, but those who choose to receive gym shoes will have to come back within a week to pick them up.
"There will be a list of shoes they can choose from that Adidas will provide us," Pfleger said. "I want to target this age group because research has shown that gun violence has the greatest impact on this group the most."
He added that an offer he made in April to pay $5,000 to anyone who turns in those selling guns on the street still stands.
"The money to pay for this offer will come from individuals who have made a financial commitment for this cause," he said. John Rogers, founder of Chicago-based Ariel Investments Inc., is one of the financial supporters, he said.
And at the event (surprise!):
A voter registration table will also be set up for residents to register for the November election.
Also, per the FOID act:

Wouldn’t a church holding a “buyback” on their own (not assisting law enforcement) be considered a private sale?........
Lastly, the good Father also has a history of threats towards people he disagrees with:
REV. MICHAEL PFLEGER, ST. SABINA'S CHURCH: He's the owner of Chuck’s, John Riggio, R-i-g-g-i-o. We're going to find you and snuff you out. You can't keep hiding because you're afraid. Obviously, you know you're doing something wrong. You wouldn't have your business in a truck. You wouldn't have a truck pulled in front of your door, because you know you've got to hide. Like a rat, you're going to hide, but like a rat we're going to catch you and pull you out. We are not going to allow you to continue to hide when we're here.
“Snuff out”:

That will be 10 hail Mary’s, Father.