From the Illinois Sheriffs’ Association:

That’s right, J.B. You are NOT a damn dictator and have NO AUTHORITY to boss around law enforcement in order to enforce your will. In fact, since these “orders” your administration created that you wish to have enforced are not “law”, you are putting both YOUR and the officers that enforce them at personal financial risk. Retired Illinois State Circuit Judge Don Lowery explains in an interview conducted on 5/14/20 here:
Here’s an example of one Illinois County Sheriff telling Pritzker to F-off and that his office will NOT be used as Gestapo agents to enforce J.B’s BS:

Also chiming in is the McHenry County Sheriff:

We are still a constitutional republic (USA) and we do NOT have to bow down to authoritarian leaders that wish to impose their will on all of us just because they are in power and think it’s “best for us”. We the people are the boss, not the toilet man in the Governor’s office (who also was interested in ”buying“ his way into a political office on 2008, but was caught by the FBI).
It should come as no surprise that Pritzker is allied with Moms Demand Action, Bloomberg’s red shirt wearing goons that beg for a police state and to dissolve civil rights in order for the government to “make them feel safe” (it has already been ruled by the courts that it is NOT Law Enforcement’s duty to protect people or “make them feel safe”. That is not their obligation nor duty to do so):

While J.B. is hell bent on forcing people into financial ruin by shutting down small businesses and declaring what’s “essential”, fear not about J.B’s personal financial situation. He’s got plenty of $$$ in off-shore accounts and isn’t paying taxes on it.
A Chicago Tribune investigation found several offshore shell companies created between 2008 and 2011 — long after Abram "A. N." Pritzker's 1986 death — that are either wholly owned by J.B. Pritzker, his brother and business partner Anthony Pritzker, or list other close associates as controlling executives.
Many of the records about the governor candidate's offshore interests were obtained by the Tribune through a reporting partnership with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, which maintains a database of millions of leaked offshore financial records collectively known as the Paradise Papers.

To the Illinois State Police, remember your oath when Pritzker ultimately commands you to do as your told....
