Update 12/23: Everytown For Gun Safety’s 2018 forms are in as well. Must see.
They’re finally available. The 2018 March For Our Lives 990 forms are in. I’ll keep this brief and to the “must see“ content.
1. Look at that income! Then look at expenses.....

(Let it be known they changed their address apparently. From their application):


2. They gave only 10% of money received to the victims of the 2/14/18 tragedy.

3. Two of the “young people” were paid (including Mart Deitsch):

4. In the middle of the above highlights is David Hogg at $0. Really?

5. John Podesta’s Center For American Progress was paid by the MFOL Action Fund for “travel expenses”. Podesta was also President Bill Clinton’s Chief if Staff and Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager in 2016:

6. Most of the expenses were travel grants and also hiring outside organizations for PR/production work (god forbid that money be given to the community to heal instead of mobilizing an astroturf movement):

SOZE is explained in detail in “the road to change” link in the last paragraph of this article, but K2 INTELLIGENCE:

Not to mention this:

And a brief view of Harbinger LLC

3/24/18 National Parks gathering permit for event:

Their (Harbinger’s) mission (or as they say, “how we build movements“)?
Moments can be shaped into meaningful and change-worthy experiences with your brand, organization or movement. But they don’t just happen on their own. Sometimes moments need a little nudge, a touch of foresight or a media barrage. How do we do it? By reverse-engineering your outcomes and audiences, we engrave a detailed plan, infuse creativity, and incite engagement.
Previous investigations were done on this organization (MFOL), starting from the very beginning up until 3/24/18, then the summer tour dubbed “the road to change”, and finally, some of the big money backing them. Please see those links (especially the 2nd one where Michael Skolnik/SOZE is mentioned). This organization is/was nothing other than a DNC front to trick people into voting Democrat by playing to their emotions and seizing a moment for their use. They used the deaths of educators and school children as an excuse to begin the largest gun control push in history (who supports that most?). Was a hell of a production though.

Further investigating, the MFOL foundation shares the same P.O. Box as the Action Fund:

More on the foundation:

Who’s Andy Spahn?
When it comes to getting Hollywood celebrities to open up their checkbooks for Democratic candidates and causes, the man for the job is Andy Spahn.
Spahn, founder and president of Andy Spahn & Associates Inc. in Los Angeles, works with producers and megadonors Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg and David Geffen to raise money for Democratic candidates. In the 2008 and 2012 election cycles, Spahn and Katzenberg together held nearly a dozen fundraisers for President Barack Obama, including one last year at George Clooney’s house that netted about $15 million.
Spahn is a national finance committee member for the Democratic National Committee and a member of the Speaker’s Cabinet of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. He has held several positions in the political and entertainment worlds throughout his career, including national finance director for Gary Hart’s presidential campaign and head of corporate affairs and communications for DreamWorks SKG from 1994 to 2006.
From 9/2018, right before the midterm elections (the whole point of the “road to change” MFOL 2018 summer tour):
“We’re raising presidential-election-level dollars to take back the House,” said Andy Spahn, a political adviser to some of Hollywood’s biggest donors.
Anyone want to file a complaint?

No one listened at the time of the march. Like this gentleman. He was right. Two days after the DC march in 2018:

Lastly, the student founder (before the movement was hijacked) sent this out awhile back. Seems his hinting at something:

And his thoughts on Mike Bloomberg running for president?

He’s right. Instead of helping people in need, Mike is using more money than many can ever imagine for his own selfish reasons. Such a philanthropist......