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Milwaukee man reportedly arrested after being armed inside his home while BLM/Antifa threaten him

Writer: Sigiloso1776Sigiloso1776

So now the “abolish/defund the police” crowd are using the police to arrest people that are prepared to defend themselves against them while remaining inside their home (WTF Milwaukee PD!!! Looks like you barely investigated and just took the word of the mob, who were the instigators):

Specifically listen to what the man on the loudspeaker says here. It appears that they’re announcing that they’re armed as well:

This is the call to arms to harass the homeowner (remember, everyone who disagrees with these Marxists is “racist”):

Take a guess which political party the DA belongs to?......

It appears the DA has no interest in charging “protestors“ that turn violent:

MADISON — The president of Milwaukee’s police union says he has no confidence that Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm will charge anyone in connection with a “peaceful protest” in Wauwatosa that turned violent.
“I honestly believe he will not be charging anybody. I think he wants to give into those who are running the show, and I think he wants to make sure that nobody is ever charged,” Dale Bormann Jr., president of the Milwaukee Police Association, told Empower Wisconsin on Friday’s Vicki McKenna Show.“We see it with the city attorney already, where he’s not charging anybody for any of the curfew violations.”
Chisholm, a Democrat, has not said whether he is considering charging Black Lives Matter protesters who police say “targeted” Wauwatosa Officer Joseph Mensah on Aug. 8 while he was at his girlfriend’s home. They say demonstrators vandalized the house, physically assaulted Mensah, and someone fired a gun at the house. Chisholm, a partisan Democrat who politically weaponized his office to target the left’s political enemies in secret and unconstitutional John Doe investigations, doesn’t seem interested in charging radical activists engaged in what appears to be clear criminal conduct.
“it appears Chisholm is handpicking who he’s going to go after,” Boormann said.

He also grandstands and “promised” to prosecute the feds who interfere with the riots:

The Milwaukee County District Attorney's office will prosecute federal agents who violate the law, District Attorney John Chisholm told members of the Milwaukee Common Council at a meeting Monday to address an expected influx of federal officers to the city.
"Kidnapping, false imprisonment, unlawful assault — those are simply crimes," Chisholm said. "Those are crimes no matter who commits them, whether it's a federal agent or a citizen. You can't do that, not in the United States, and it won't be tolerated here."
Federal forces have raised concerns over their response to protesters in Portland, Oregon, where they've used unmarked vehicles to grab protesters off the street and have teargassed crowds. 
Chisholm said to his knowledge the federal officials in Portland are not part of the contingent that federal officials have said would be coming to Milwaukee.
But, he said, it is necessary to remain vigilant and clear about which federal agencies are sending law enforcement to the city and what they are going to do.

The DA also has problems with armed citizens:

During the meeting, Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm also said his office was concerned about people lawfully carrying concealed weapons "in collaboration with or close proximity or directly with somebody that doesn't have a firearm and next thing you know they're using the lawful firearm for an unlawful purpose."

The mob controls many Democrat areas. Elected Democrats won’t touch the mob, but they will go after YOU for being ready to defend yourself. The DA is also known for using LE to harass political opponents (which the homeowner in today’s example obviously is, so don‘t expect dropped charges):

The early-morning paramilitary-style raids on citizens’ homes were conducted by law-enforcement officers, sometimes wearing bulletproof vests and lugging battering rams, pounding on doors and issuing threats.
The police seized computers, including those of children still in pajamas. Clothes drawers, including the children’s, were ransacked, cellphones confiscated and the citizens told it would be a crime to tell anyone of the raids.
Some raids were precursors of, others were parts of, the nastiest episode of this unlovely political season.
This attempted criminalization of politics in order to silence persons occupying just one portion of the political spectrum has happened in Wisconsin, which often has conducted robust political arguments with Midwestern civility.
Wisconsin has long been fertile soil for conviction politics. Now, however, Wisconsin has been embarrassed by Milwaukee County’s Democratic district attorney, John Chisholm.
He has used Wisconsin’s uniquely odious “John Doe” process to launch sweeping and virtually unsupervised investigations while imposing gag orders to prevent investigated persons from defending themselves or rebutting politically motivated leaks.
According to several published reports, Chisholm told members of his staff subordinates that his wife, a teachers-union shop steward at her school, is anguished by her detestation of Walker’s restrictions on government employees unions, so Chisholm considers it his duty to help defeat Walker.
Chisholm has misinterpreted Wisconsin campaign law in a way that looks willful. He has done so to justify a “John Doe” process that has searched for evidence of “coordination” between Walker’s campaign and conservative issue advocacy groups.

Regardless of you political leanings, this shit is dangerous to our nation. BLM and Antifa are also doxing people who support Trump and calling for protests in front of their homes (which will lead to more incidents like this).


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