The governor of Illinois is a special one. Days ago, he said Chicago is the “crown jewel” of Illinois:

Two days later, in the “crown jewel of IL”:
A 7-year-old girl dressed as a bumblebee was shot while she was trick-or-treating in a Chicago neighborhood Thursday evening.
The girl, who was shot in her lower neck area, was taken to a local hospital in critical condition, according to Fire Department spokesman Larry Langford. A 31-year-old man who was near the girl was hit by a bullet in his left hand and was hospitalized in good condition.
The shooting happened around 5:30 p.m. in the Little Village neighborhood on Chicago's Southwest Side, according to authorities.
Authorities said the man and girl were walking along a street when a group of men approached and one of them shot at the pair. Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said investigators believe the girl was an unintended victim.

The governor and his allies in the Illinois General Assembly are more concerned with passing gun control laws that will do NOTHING to curb the violence in Chicago. Matter of fact, offenders are let off easy. Must be because the activist judges don’t want to be viewed as “racist” or something:
CHICAGO — Chicago police say they see it all too often. Officers arrest someone for illegal gun possession, and the next day that person walks out of jail.
Police officials say changes to Cook County’s bail system are partly to blame.
But is that true?
WGN Investigates reviewed data on every felony gun case from two of the city’s most historically violent weekends: Memorial Day and Labor Day. Here’s what we found:
A total of 118 adults were charged with felony weapons offenses. 87 percent were released on bond. The most anyone had to pay to get out of jail before trial was $5,000. 72 percent were released the same they day they were arrested, or the very next day. 30 percent walked out of jail without paying any money -- they received I-Bonds.
“This is not what me or the public wants,” Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart said. “The reality of it is though that gun offenders need to be treated differently than other people. In the city of Chicago with all our gun issues I think we should all agree on that.”
Two years ago, state lawmakers passed the Bail Reform Act, which sought to ensure people arrested for non-violent offenses didn’t remain behind bars pending trial, either because they were poor or couldn’t afford to pay a cash bond.
“It shouldn’t be the case that some people get to walk free because they have money and others don’t, because they don’t,” state Rep. Will Guzzardi (D-Chicago) said. Guzzardi was one of the act’s co-sponsors.
Seems some of that poured over into the violent offenders, doesn’t it? And there you have it. They care more about the financial situations of these dangerous people than the crimes they commit/were arrested for. No amount of laws will change that. The individuals committing the crime need to be dealt with and dealt with harshly. Only then will 7 year olds not be unintended victims of gang warfare.
As to the governor‘s claim that it’s “insulting” to compare Chicago to Afghanistan, he’s right. Afghanistan has fewer deaths in the same time period since we’ve been there vs Chicago. Sources:
Chicago (use drop down to select year):
Sorry for J.B.’s comment, Afghanistan. It was wrong of him to compare your country to Chicago.........
UPDATE: Suspect in custody and charged, a 15 year old who couldn’t legally posses or carry the gun, once again proving gun control doesn’t work.
Pray for the victim.