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Yet again MORE financial conflicts of interest with IL Supreme Court Justice Rochford

Writer: Sigiloso1776Sigiloso1776

The evidence just keeps piling on. Previously reported was her “lobbying” (while a justice) with her donors at Everytown/Moms Demand Action regarding the gun ban she would later rule on. Do we need to revisit the defendants in that case were her big dollar donors? Of course, she refused to recuse lol. Then, we uncovered that during a messy child custody hearing, she ruled in favor of the party who’s attorney financially backed her before and during her campaign, all while she was a candidate and a sitting judge. Nevermind the fact that as a Supreme Court Justice that she was the keynote speaker at a Democratic Party fundraiser. All of these are violations of both Illinois and BAR judicial ethics canons. Now, we have ANOTHER case that shows conflicts of interest and this (corrupted) Justice. Wirepoints has the story:

Illinois has long been consistently ranked among the worst states for lawsuit abuse. Simply stated, that makes it a place where “trial lawyers, not taxpayers or businesses, call the shots.” That’s how the Illinois branch of Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse (CALA IL) put in in their new report, Predatory Lawsuit Report: Follow the Money.
CALA IL’s report places the blame specifically: Cash from trial lawyers going to Democratic Illinois lawmakers.
The center of the system is the Illinois Trial Lawyers Association PAC (ITLA PAC), “a political machine that funds lawmakers who protect lawsuit-friendly policies at all costs,” CALA’s report says. And ITLA PAC exclusively bankrolls Democratic candidates and leadership PACs, CALA found. From their report:
Between Election Day 2022 and the conclusion of the 103rd General Assembly in January 2025, the ITLA PAC funneled over $1 million exclusively into Democratic political campaigns and organizations. Not a single dollar went to Republican candidates or committees, making it clear that ITLA PAC’s financial influence is a partisan operation designed to buy loyalty from the party in power.

And Justice Rochford?

ITLA’s Influence on the Illinois Supreme Court
ITLA’s financial influence extends beyond legislation—they’ve actively supported efforts to shape the Illinois Supreme Court to ensure favorable rulings. ITLA made the following donations to All for Justice, a committee dedicated to influencing Illinois Supreme Court races:
$150,000 on 10/24/22
$52,500 on 10/26/22
This funding contributed to the election of Justice Elizabeth Rochford, who authored the Illinois Supreme Court opinion expanding the scope of the Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA). Her ruling in Cothron v. White Castle determined that businesses could be fined for every individual violation of BIPA rather than just the first instance, exposing employers to potentially millions in liability for technical violations with no actual harm.
This exemplifies how ITLA-backed judges deliver rulings that benefit trial lawyers at the expense of job creators. BIPA lawsuits have cost Illinois businesses millions and led to an increase in class-action litigation against employers, many of whom had no intent to violate the law.

Now, about that PAC, a story Mom-at-Arms did when the scandal broke (quoted text from MSN):

A political committee, funded in part by Senate President Don Harmon’s campaign that helped expand the Democratic majority on the Illinois Supreme Court, failed to file timely campaign reports as required by state law and didn’t disclose the bulk of its $7.3 million in spending until after the election.

The committee — All for Justice — spent heavily on television ads in support of winning Democratic Justices Elizabeth Rochford and Mary Kay O’Brien. The commercials painted Republican opponents as virulent anti-abortion candidates, politically potent attacks given the U.S. Supreme Court decision that sent the issue of abortion rights to the states only months earlier.

The failure of All for Justice to follow the disclosure guidelines mandated by state election law obscured its pro-Democratic spending in the critical months preceding the November races in which the partisan balance of the Illinois Supreme Court was up for grabs.

And the end result of this scandal from the IL Senate President Don Harmon (also a named defendant in the gun ban case):

A political committee that helped expand the Democratic majority on the Illinois Supreme Court and was backed by Illinois Senate President Don Harmon emptied its bank account just weeks after being notified it faced one of the largest state election fines ever for failing to timely disclose millions of dollars it spent until after last November’s election.
On Tuesday, the State Board of Elections issued a final order assessing $99,500 in fines against the All for Justice political action committee. The action followed a Tribune story earlier this year detailing the PAC’s reporting deficiencies as it spent more than $7.3 million on independent expenditures supporting Democratic Justices Elizabeth Rochford and Mary Kay O’Brien, both of whom won their campaigns and increased the court’s Democratic majority to 5-2 from a previous 4-3 advantage.
All for Justice was notified Aug. 3 by the state elections board it would be fined for 35 specific violations of failing to timely disclose to the public its spending on behalf of Rochford and O’Brien in the crucial closing months before the November 2022 election.

More and more keeps piling up on Rochford and her blatantly biased approach to the court……

And a fun image to spread around about how easily it is with this justice to prove bias

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