I have done a LOT of investigation into the Illinois Supreme Court Justice (Elizabeth Rochford) who is responsible for upholding the Illinois “assault weapons” ban. She received massive campaign contributions from the main defendants in the case, she refused to recuse once challenged on issues regarding financial conflicts of interest and how she “expressed support for a ban in order to earn an endorsement” from a gun control group (which caused her crooked ruling to make it all the way to the United States Supreme Court, but Justice Barrett decided she didn’t want to take it up), it was later found out she “lobbied” for the law with a gun control group AFTER being sworn in, etc etc.
Most recently, a civil rights complaint was sent to the US Department of Justice Civil Rights Division regarding most of this, to which the Trump DOJ pushed it aside. An article paging the American BAR Association was also done, highlighting how she disregarded their own ethics canons AND a Supreme Court ruling they supported by not recusing in the gun ban case. Things are piling up, and another example of this Justice benefiting her campaign donors has surfaced.
Justice Rochford announced she was running for the IL Supreme Court in July of 2021. Her main focus as a Lake County judge was family law. While she was campaigning, she was still an active judge. A case of child custody came before her court in which the mother was arrested for DV and the father (they were not together) attempted to get custody of the child after she was incarcerated. Being that the case itself is not public and the info out there is one sided, we have to stick to the facts and not be subjective in any way (you can read about it in the link above).
The father set up a GoFundMe where he was trying to raise money for a lawyer for his case. He was representing himself at the custody hearings, which started January 7, 2022 (after Rochford’s campaign started). The father presented evidence to the court that he was the father (child born 2021). Here’s some of the things the father did in the courtroom (in link above):
This case has continued and is still proceeding. On August 26. 2022 I filed a motion to pursue criminal charges against the temporary guardian for perjury, providing clear and convincing evidence under Section 1-109 of the code of civil procedures to Judge Elizabeth in regards to the perjury on the petition for appointment of a guardian of Minor that has created this tragedy of wrongfully removing a minor child from another state a child abduction. Judge Elizabeth Rochford dismissed this motion stating it's not her job to pursue criminal charges in her courtroom. That's the career of the state attorney and criminal court. I also filed a motion to question further jurisdiction under the UCCJEA, a Federal Act and State Law of Illinois, as Lake County has no authority to proceed in this case as Wisconsin is the home state for the child that has jurisdictional priority to make the initial child custody determination for Legend Laura.
I provided all statutory authority under the UCCJEA regarding this case matter within my motion and all responses filed with Lake County Probate Division. Giving Judge Elizabeth Rochford the statutory authority to discharge guardianship under the UCCJEA. On October 21, 2022, Judge Elizabeth Rochford failed her statutory obligation to remove the guardian. I provided all evidence to this court under SECTION 201,108,205,207,208 OF THE UCCJEA. All requirements are needed for a court to proceed with any child custody proceeding, as the UCCJEA is the only child custody jurisdictional law in the State of Illinois.
Now here is where it gets worse. In the GoFundMe, the other party’s attorney is named:
Judge Elizabeth Rochford's courtroom is of injustice and doubt of the judicial process. As a victim of her courtroom, I continue to fight to bring my son home Pro Se after Judge Elizabeth Rochford and attorney Gretchen Neddenriep continue to aid and abet a child abduction in which the child was wrongfully removed and retained in the State of Illinois through the use of Judge Elizabeth Rochford Statutory authority granting an unlawful petition for appointment of a guardian of minor without notice being given to parent and nearest relatives, petition provided false information regarding parent. Judge Elizabeth Rochford was notified on multiple occasions about this.
Timeline here:
Rochford announced candidacy in July 2021. This case started in Rochford’s courtroom in January 2022. Rochford adjourned the case eventually to December 2022 AFTER she (was) would have been sworn in as a Supreme Court Justice. So, why is Attorney Gretchen Neddenriep highlighted above? She was an active donor to Rochford’s campaign both before and after this case began.

This yet again raises suspicions of conflicts of interest involving Rochford showing bias to her donors in cases which she precedes over. From the American BAR regarding a US Supreme Court case involving judicial recusals:
Then ABA President Tommy Wells applauded the Supreme Court’s ruling that judges should withdraw from considering cases before them when contributions to their election campaigns by parties to those cases influenced the outcome of the judge’s election, creating a “serious risk of actual bias.” In his June 8, 2009 press release, Mr. Wells stated “the ABA Standing Committee on Judicial Independence, working through its Judicial Disqualification Project, will continue to refine those and other factors into a series of guidelines for courts to assess whether contributions to judges’ campaigns implicate the due process rights of parties appearing before them. This evaluative process is one way to restore the public confidence in our courts so critical to preserving our government of laws.”
We have a massive pattern now with this Illinois Supreme Court Justice. She is a hypocrite, take a look at her views on bias in the courts when she was a candidate…..
Enough said.